Continuous everyday monitoring of air quality is performed at Oil refinery Brod and measurement results are submitted to Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Srpska. Data is collected from measuring station installed at Refinery gate. Reports are compiled into monthly and annual reports and are published at the official website of RHI:
At the level of ministries in charge in the Republic of Srpska, Council of Ministers BH and ministry of environment of Republic of Croatia, a Work group had been formed with the aim of improving quality of environment.
The representatives of Oil refinery Brod and Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Srpska are active participants of Work group responsible for monitoring air quality in Slavonski Brod (RH) and Brod (BH) and which work on common issues regarding environment in order to discuss issues and implement agreed solutions.
The Oil refinery Brod cooperates with authorised institutes and Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic of Srpska.